Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Substance use treatment and recovery can look different for each individual, and requires compassionate and supportive care. Use this resource page to connect yourself, a family member or a client to information and programs across Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire Counties. 

Need Immediate Help?

If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, call the MA Substance Use Helpline (800-327-5050) to speak to a trained specialist or contact a local crisis center

If this is an emergency, call 911. Good Samaritan laws protect victims and observers who call 911 from being charged, prosecuted or convicted for possession or use of illegal substances.

Get Information

Know your rights in recovery! Get more information using RIZE Massachusetts' Guide to help people with opioid use disorder navigate housing, healthcare, employment, etc.

Get more information about addiction, treatment, and overdose prevention from HEALing Communities Study Springfield

Find programs and services

Need Additional Resources?

Search for other programs and services such as medical care, food, education, mental health, and more! Enter your zip code to get started.

Is a resource missing?  Please contact Liv Anna Homstead.

Greater Springfield Opioid Crisis Collaborative

The Greater Springfield Opioid Crisis Collaborative (GSOCC) is a coalition of service providers, advocates, city officials, and community members who are dedicated to reducing opioid overdoses and supporting each individual's path to recovery. GSOCC is committed to providing equitable access to treatment for those seeking services for detox and recovery.  Through GSOCC’s initiatives and support, they are using 413Cares to build awareness of the local substance use resources and better connect people to these resources.

To learn more about GSOCC, contact Justin Chellman or Nellie Maldonado.

GSOCC is supported by the Springfield Department of Health & Human Services. Collective members include service providers, recovery coaches, first responders, coalition organizers, and people with lived experience. 


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